Islamic Scholars
- Phone:56-456-414
- Address:199 Park Lane A, London
- Website:
Courses of Expertise:
Specialized in the following courses from the reputed universities.
About Director
Since the inception and establishment of Madressa Zia-Ul-Badr in 1988 I have worked together with my brother Qari Moosa whom I have always held in great esteem.
Bornin Primrose, 69 years ago to a family of 6 sisters and 3 brothers where one brother passed away in an accident at 6 years old. We lived in Primrose till 1986 then moved to Jeppestown.
I schooled at Singh Primary School in Germiston until standard 4 and completed my standard 8 schooling in Ladysmith while living with my uncle. Standard 9 was completed at Mias Farm, Madressa was attended in Germiston and Ladysmith. In 1968 I attended M.L.Sultan Technikon and studied a two year accounting course and obtained a diploma certificate.
Presently, I am retired and fully dedicated to assisting the running of Madressa Zia-Ul-Badr.
I am a loyal, talented and compassionate person who loves making a difference in the lives of young children. I am open-mided, patient and supportiveĀ towards other people, especially towards children or those who suffer from disabilities. I have an excellent ability to remain good-humored and unflappable under pressure.