The site where Zeenatul Islam Masjid and Madressa stands in Roberts Avenue Kensington used to be a post office. In 1999 a group of residents from Kensington and surrounding areas got together and identified this place to be ideal for the establishment of a masjid. 6 members: Y.Chohan, I.Waja, H.Allie, A.Moolla, S.Railoun and A.K Gani were appointed as trustees. This became a reality with the grace and mercy of Allah SWT at the end of year 2000 and since then the adhaan has reverberated. However, because of the cities by law, we are not allowed to give amplified adhaan. As the years lapsed, Yacoob Chohan found himself alone managing the affairs of the institution. Comes the year 2019 sometime in April, Yacoob Chohan approached Qari Moosa Seedat to take over as he found it difficult to manage alone. Thus, Qari Moosa Seedat had a mashwerah with the directors of Madressa Zia-Ul-Badr wherein it emanated that we join Yacoob Chohan in the management of Zeenatul Islam and MZB become the custodians. Presently, we envisage upgrading, extending and changing the facia of the existing structure to manifest a masjid. We ask Allah SWT to reward all those who made this masjid the institution that it is today and may He guide us to continue to enhance the accomplishments of Zeenatul Islam only for His pleasure. Aameen