+27 83 786 4221

About Us

Our History

Alhamdulillah 1988 saw the birth and establishment of Madressa Zia-Ul-Badr in Johannesburg, South Africa with the mashwarah and advice -of senior Ulama (Hazrat ML. Cassim Sema and ML. Mohammed Hassim R.A.) and some local prominent ulema aiming to fulfil the needs of those entering the fold of Islam as well as muslims facing the challenges of having non-muslim family or tribal members. Alhamdulillah, since our humble beginning with only 3 students, the Madressa has grown and currently accomodates 75 full-time students. These learners hail from South Africa and 16 other neighbouring African coutries. The Madressa complex which is situated between Marshall, Main, Kerk and Hout Streets, Jeppestown encompasses a masjid, Darul Hifz Complex, Hostel, Kithchen, Dining Hall and accomodation for staff and their families.



Years Of Operation
Different Nationalities

Our Aims


The prime aim of Madressa Zia-Ul-Badr is to fulfil the existing needs of those entering the fold of Islam who are mostly from lower income communities and face numerous social, economic or other challenges such as poverty, mixed marriages, broken homes and abandonment. These individuals are also continuously subjected to misleading information about Islam. Madressa Zia-Ul-Badr aims to provide a high standard of education to its students so as to ensure the continual propagation of Islam in their communities. As a result of these conditions, it is understandable that most of our students are confirmed Zakaat recipients.


Through the Fadhl of Allah Ta’aala, the madressa has frown from strength to strength in achieving its prime aim and is one of the few institutions that are capable of overcoming the challenges associated in dealing with students from disadvantaged and diverse backgrounds. Alhamdulillah, the madressa has succeeded in transforming the lives of many students, initially having very little or no Islamic knowledge or background, by teaching them the deen of Allah,  Al-Islam. The curriculum of the madressa includes Quranic study (Nazrah, Hifz and Tajweed), Hadeeth, Seerah (history of the Prophet (S.A.W) and rightly guided Khalifah and his Sahabahs), Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and Adab (Etiquette). The students are also taught English, Mathematics and Computer Literacy.

Our Achievements

Alhamdulillah up to the end of the year 2021, Madressa Zia-Ul-Badr has produced many Hafiz ul Quraans, many of whom went on to study further and completed Aalimiyat courses at various Darul Ulooms or obtained higher educational levels at other tertiary institutions. Alhamdulillah, this clearly demonstrates and shows the success of Madressa Zia-Ul-Badr accomplishing the mandate and vision envisaged by its founders and board of trustees.

Madressa Zia-Ul-Badr has also been blessed to receive many eminent Akaabireen & learned scholars from around the world.

Serving The Ummah

Darul Hifz

Darul Hifz and Madressa Classes. Our Darul Hifz Classes...

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Job Accommodation

We think before we deliver. We bespoke as standard....

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Funeral Services

We think before we deliver. We bespoke as standard....

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Community Services

We think before we deliver. We bespoke as standard....

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